Moniter Me

“The goal of the Monitor Me app is to allow you to track and measure just about anything at the frequency you please. It is user-friendly and intuitive to use, no fancy addition gadgets. The design is basic and sleek to keep it functional. Whether for work or personal, absolutely anyone who wants to track, monitor or measure something tangible and non-tangible (actions, events, happenings, thoughts, emotions, situations) can do so via this app. With the Monitor Me app you decide what you want to track. What are you waiting for? You can download the Monitor Me app for iOS or Android right now and follow our social media for tips and tricks on how to use the app efficiently.”

Overview Image

Challenge Image

  • Families was keen on developing and implementing an entirely new website that was a restructure of two major branded sites, Families and Mums in the Know.
  • With a very tight schedule to complete the project from the point of selecting Sitefinity CMS, the client was looking for a company having immense expertise on the Sitefinity development platform.
  • They needed a CMS that was intuitive, flexible, robust, easy to use and could meet their present business needs and accommodate mobility, personalization and various other enhancements.

Solutions that fulfilled the Families Online’s requirements

  • From the perspective of flexibility and functionality that we were looking for, we found the choosing Telerik’s Sitefinity CMS would enable us tackle the complex challenge and build a functional and a responsive website.
  • After exhaustive research and a thorough vetting process, the Families website was built from conception to launch.
  • Our team organized and prioritized various modules from both the sites and then worked to build enhanced features that would impact the user experience.
  • Since the site is fairly complex with lots of special features and integrations, Sitefinity CMS and our group of focused developers made it possible to meet the impossible deadline
  • Thorough testing of the web pages was done to ensure that the site functioned without any errors.
  • Our online marketing team worked on the meta-tags so that the traffic from both the sites could be easily merged into one.

Backend Technology


Frontend Technology

React JS

App Technology

React Native

The ultimate solution delivered a clean and uncluttered experience

  • The launch of the Sitefinity based site benefited the visitors with powerful navigation and offered them a host of new features.
  • The process of changing and posting content also took a dramatic turn for the better and the client had more control over the entire process.
  • The development of the new site has of course decreased the time to search for specific information and even visitors have the ability to promote their business and update content at an exponentially faster pace.
  • The site has ultimately delivered a clean and uncluttered experience for customers thereby increasing brand loyalty.

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